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  • Femoral Component Revision of Total Hip Arthroplasty

    Modern primary total hip arthroplasty (THA) is among the most successful operations in medicine. It has been a consistently effective treatment for end-stage osteoarthritis of the hip. With the increasing number of primary THA procedures being performed and the decreasing age of patients undergoing the procedure, there is an inevitable associated increase in revision burden […]

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  • Over-the-counter painkillers treated painful injuries just as well as opioids in new study

    In an opioid epidemic that currently claims an average of 91 lives per day, there have been many paths to addiction. For some, it started with a fall or a sports injury, a trip to a nearby emergency room and a prescription for a narcotic pain reliever that seemed to work well in the ER. […]

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  • Greater wound healing, renal complications found among TJA patients with gout

    Recently published results showed patients with gout who underwent total joint arthroplasty had greater wound healing and renal complications compared with patients without gout.

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  • Research finds decrease in opioid use among patients recovering from hip and knee replacement

    Opioid use in patients recovering from hip and knee replacement decreased by one-third between 2006 and 2014, reflecting success in efforts to promote a multimodal approach to pain management (using a variety of methods to manage pain) rather than using opioids alone, reveals new research being presented at the ANESTHESIOLOGY® 2017 annual meeting.

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  • Fungal PJI: More than just a prosthetic infection

    Management of periprosthetic joint infection is challenging on many accounts. Fungal periprosthetic joint infections are particularly difficult to treat. The problem is the incidence of fungal infections has increased globally in the last few decades. Fungal periprosthetic infections, although rare, are similarly increasing in prevalence.

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  • Prospective study showed TKA not detrimental to patient participation in sports

    Results of a study presented at European Society of Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy Congress, here, showed patients who participated in sports before total knee arthroplasty were able to participate in sports postoperatively and in some cases, patients were more active in sports after surgery.

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